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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Sep 18, 2016 11:44 AM

Jul 2014
Well, can't say I'm at all surprised about the rage of 1000 Remfags and all these people ranting about "that scene" being missing, but I'd honestly prefer an ending like this to another cliffhanger (like the original Berserk and Tokyo Ghoul kinda do), especially if we somehow don't get a second season.

Anyway, I absolutely loved the ending and feel that it tied most things together well. The things that haven't been dealt with are obviously dealt with later on in the story, especially when the web novel is meant to be so long. I was kinda worried that Subaru wouldn't admit his feelings to Emilia, but it made me very happy to see that he actually did in the end, and I'm assuming their scenes at the end will feed into arc 4. As for a second season, with how popular this has ended up being, I'd be stunned if they didn't make one, especially if the author has been trying to push for everything to be adapted.

Overall, this is once again AOTS, is also AOTY (seriously, nothing has or will come remotely close) and is probably my new favourite anime now. After all, there was at least 6 episodes that were pure masterpieces IMO (7, 8, 15, 18, 23 and 25) and only 2 or 3 episodes that can really be described as poor (13 and 19, I think it was). Other than that, the episodes were consistently strong and I've really come to care about all of the main cast, as well as many of the side characters.

10/10, but I'd definitely go at least twice as high if i could.
Sep 18, 2016 11:44 AM

Feb 2014
Man light novel fans salt is too much. That was a perfectly good ending point for a season!
Sep 18, 2016 11:45 AM

Aug 2010
I feel like it would've been better ended with a cliffhanger or something, or at the very least a hint is what to come afterwords. Looks like they ended it this way so they can have the anime end with only one season.

This show is really in need of a second season. It's really hard to even rate at this point of time as it feels so incomplete.
Sep 18, 2016 11:45 AM

Jul 2016
Well, that was pretty cheesy. I was hoping for something more bittersweet. The music wasn't as effective as it was earlier in the series either, the fight wasn't as intense as I'd hoped and Subaru is becoming a bit too conventional. He was a lot more interesting when he was flawed.

Emilia was cute, though, and their reunion was a long time coming. But it wasn't nearly as well-written as the dialogue with Rem.

Edit: apparently there was a bittersweet ending, but they skipped it. Oh well.
Animosh91Sep 18, 2016 12:02 PM
Sep 18, 2016 11:45 AM
Nov 2013
nightz43 said:
What exactly is this "rem scene" they missed that everyone is talking about?

Sep 18, 2016 11:45 AM
Feb 2009
Hopefully we get a season 2 soon really enjoyed this anime every Sunday :)
Sep 18, 2016 11:45 AM

Aug 2015
So much happens after this, they better say "fuck the LN's we're adapting season 2 now!"
Sep 18, 2016 11:47 AM
Aug 2012
nightz43 said:
What exactly is this "rem scene" they missed that everyone is talking about?

Sep 18, 2016 11:47 AM

Jun 2010
When they say that the anime industry is in decline and falling down.... its because they dont make second seasons to shows that deserve it, in time, its not my fault they decide to adapt and/or make some original trash and skip all the good stuff.

Long story short second season plz
Sep 18, 2016 11:48 AM
Nov 2013
People that are bitching that we're salty about a particular scene;
You fail to realize it left pretty big questions which is insane.

1. Why is the letter blank?
2. Where was Rem the entire final episode? It's IDIOTIC to leave out a character who has been a big part of the story and Subaru's succes. This isn't about RemxSubaru at all, but the fact she's entirely absent from the entire episode. This is NOT explained and thát is what makes it so ridiculous.

3. The green haired chick, forgot her name. Where is she? Suddenly poof as well.

The final was an ok final, but i'm sorry, they left it out and if you had half a brain, you'd ask yourself these questions.
Sep 18, 2016 11:49 AM
Apr 2016
I'm satisfied with this ending. it was beautiful touching and it was betelgeuse in it! god damm he was creapy

thank god i wasn't spoiled!
Spoilers are bad guys just be patience!

i hopesomeday a S2 cuz i would glad to see more elsa, reinhart felt! and how would be the selection also all that mystery of the dragon.
Sep 18, 2016 11:49 AM

May 2011
This needed one more episode
Sep 18, 2016 11:49 AM

Sep 2014
Definitely enjoyed this anime. Would really like a second season. I'm glad white fox went all out animation wise for the last episode, because I've been complaining about art and animation for the past few episodes.
Sep 18, 2016 11:51 AM

Jun 2016
Damn Betelgeuse, I didn't know you could transform into a joy Mutant

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Sep 18, 2016 11:51 AM
Sep 2016
7/10 for the episode. Great series though but the ending should have left more of a cliffhanger. Hope this series gets more than two seasons as the material should work for three or four well made seasons.
Sep 18, 2016 11:52 AM

Sep 2012
Calm down niggas.

Blank letter scene is made for s2.
Oh god who are you people?
Sep 18, 2016 11:52 AM

May 2014
Dregora said:
Sparteh said:
Where is my Salt????

Seriously speaking, Rem fans and gonna hate this for obvious reasons.

Personally, I liked both heroines equally, but think that this choice of ending was a correct one. If they have ended in the way we all expected aka "Salt ending" they would have:
1. Left the story on cliffhanger;
2. Annoyed many fans who have never read WN/LN.

But now they're annoying fans who do know about thát part.

The thing is, for an anime that stayed rather loyal to the LN, this left a pretty big plothole. Or at least huge unexplained things like WHY the blank letter and WHERE was Rem.

True, but that was to be expected. They have cut out specific scenes which were important for it to happen.

Also, some people will complain about a letter, but it is only a problem for those who read LN.
Such things as where is Rem does not really matter ether because the fight just ended.
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Sep 18, 2016 11:53 AM
Jul 2018
Dregora said:
nightz43 said:
What exactly is this "rem scene" they missed that everyone is talking about?

Sep 18, 2016 11:53 AM
Nov 2013
chakracat said:
Calm down niggas.

Blank letter scene is made for s2.

The thing is, they never even hinted/adressed at it. I know the Blank letters explanation, but the sheer fact they did not adress anything about Rem at áll is just idiotic. She was absent the entire final and you don't do that to a main char unless you give the viewers a hint that something might've happend.
Sep 18, 2016 11:53 AM
Jun 2016
Skipped scene :

With she, do you mean rem or crush?
Sep 18, 2016 11:54 AM
Aug 2015
Damn it, they had one job ! I wanted the bad end ;(
Overall I really liked the show, too bad that the arc 3 was rushed.
Now I want to read the LN or the WN but they are not on sale in my country...
Anyway I give this 9/10, really liked the first 2 arcs and the third even if I would have loved it being in mor ep than 14.
(sorry if my english is bad, I don't write often in english)
Sep 18, 2016 11:54 AM
Sep 2016
Guys what is this ending that I see a lot of people wanted to see?
Sep 18, 2016 11:54 AM

Jan 2014
This series as a whole was a 6/10 to me. Great ending tho many question has left unanswered.
Sep 18, 2016 11:54 AM

Jul 2014
Creepy_Noire_fan said:
mozgow said:

Why not? LN are selling like hot cakes and Tappei said that he wants to see the whole story animated. What they need now is enough source material to start working on.

well yeah but it'll have an extremely weak start considering that they need to fix some things before really starting again. They just played it safe (make an ok ending in case they can't make a season 2) that's already a bad sign Imo.

It might be similar case as with KonoSuba. They didn't expect it to be so big. When they were planning the episodes (and they did so way before the series started airing) they made small changes to end it safe (as it was with KonoSuba where they skipped one very important plot point). Now they will have to think about some way to make it (probably with the help from Tappei).
Sep 18, 2016 11:55 AM

Jun 2016
I'm going to miss this show like hell. It was a full 10/10 in terms of enjoyment.

Seeing all sorts of reactions from the novel readers, thankfully the 'real ending' hasn't been spoiled for me yet. I'll definitely read it all up once it finishes publishing (tired of endlessly waiting for the next book to release. Yes, I'm looking at you, GRRM.).
Sep 18, 2016 11:55 AM
Jul 2016
RockerXD said:
This needed one more episode

Omg where did you get that from ? Thank you so much !
Sep 18, 2016 11:55 AM
Jun 2013
DarkWish said:
When they say that the anime industry is in decline and falling down.... its because they dont make second seasons to shows that deserve it, in time, its not my fault they decide to adapt and/or make some original trash and skip all the good stuff.

Long story short second season plz

well streaming is on the rise for japanese anime internationally, so hopefully in the near future revenue streams from outside japan will help ease ´the harsh production environment by having more stable income from several revenue streams, bd sales, merchandise and online licensing which might further the first revenue streams.
Sep 18, 2016 11:55 AM
Jul 2018
Season 2 :P?
Pretty good 9/10.
Was he about to kiss her in the end lol?
Sep 18, 2016 11:55 AM
Sep 2016
Please explain what was going to happen the shit storm?
Sep 18, 2016 11:55 AM
Nov 2013
AmejiHunter said:
Dregora said:

Ahh ok, my bad. Thanks for correcting me.
Sep 18, 2016 11:56 AM

Sep 2015
Omg yes good ending.
I was realy scared that there were gonna be a bad ending...
Sep 18, 2016 11:56 AM
Jun 2016
Just one thing. They f*cked up the, probably, best 2016 anime... What a pity...
Sep 18, 2016 11:56 AM
Jul 2016
About Rem Scene I think they did well to not show, if the episode leght was like 30 min that would appear. That scene... they didnt cut off, just the size of the episode didnt reach it , would be a massive mixture all that hapiness and then a huge the author did well imo..

About Betel the Best :D :D

Its kinda weird if you didnt notice
Subaru talking to emilia was the same off Rem talking to Subaru... he kinda use her words ...
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Sep 18, 2016 11:58 AM

Jul 2016
Killer96bee said:
About Rem Scene I think they did well to not show, if the episode leght was like 30 min that would appear. That scene... they didnt cut off, just the size of the episode didnt reach it , would be a massive mixture all that hapiness and then a huge the author did well imo..

About Betel the Best :D :D

Its kinda weird if you didnt notice
Subaru talking to emilia was the same off Rem talking to Subaru... he kinda use her words ...

If you say bad things about yourself, i'll say good things about you! believe in the me, who believes in you!
Sep 18, 2016 11:59 AM

Jan 2015
Thanks White Fox for the anime of the year! I had a couple of minor problems with it but to be honest, it's been such a long time since I've seen such an epic dark fantasy (last one that I loved so much was The Lord of the Rings) so I can't not give this a 10!

I really, really hope this gets another season!

Betelgeuse best character.

Also, I'm glad they didn't end it on a cliffhanger, Gintama's already done that to me and waiting for another season without knowing when it'll come out is not easy at all.
WizilizSep 18, 2016 12:14 PM
Sep 18, 2016 11:59 AM

Jun 2010
Jaridan said:

well streaming is on the rise for japanese anime internationally, so hopefully in the near future revenue streams from outside japan will help ease ´the harsh production environment by having more stable income from several revenue streams, bd sales, merchandise and online licensing which might further the first revenue streams.

Would be great is if were simple like that, tho this shit goes deep just like everything else, bet its all about the sponsors ( which mind you i find every sponsor ever to be a dumb fucking idiot ), the timing they chose.... all that crap which i think its irrelevant.
Sep 18, 2016 11:59 AM

Aug 2015
Can't say Im happy, but oh well.......the episode was good, Subarru was he saved Emily and the kids. Overall this series was amazing.
Sep 18, 2016 12:02 PM
Jun 2016
Finally....the end... Rem (possibly till the rumored second season, no doubt!)

Still....good for two reasons

1.Pelteguese, or Belteguese gets his deserved end....and also learns that his dear darling witch does not think much of him at all (One can't help feeling sorry for the poor blighter after all.....he has just been rejected by his god!)

2.Subaru finally confessing his love for Emilia....and Emilia in her response revealing that she too.....has issues .

I guess it is something of a theme in some have this perfect character who is perfect in every way, who deep down inside is really insecure....and afraid. Emilia is very intelligent and lovely young woman....who thinks badly of herself because she is a half elf, and because she does not have friends, and is ''selfish'' and is stiff.Subaru is good for her...because he sees her good qualities...and that line about him saying that he would name 2000 good qualities for every ten bad qualites she gives was powerful and thoughtful. It hearkens back to a theme in this anime...first seen in Rem's interaction with Subaru in episode 12 and 13...that no matter how badly we think about ourselves...there is someone out there who thinks highly about us.

Reminds me of a short story of a pretty librarian who had a limp and because of that thought herself undesirable. Fortunately, she is able to see past that limp because a handsome man falls in love with her inspite of that limp she had. Subaru in a way is good for Emilia because he is able to see that her bad qualities are not the whole lady (Anime is not good until you learn something from it).

All in all, hope Season 2 comes out....we have not seen the end of the coronation saga,what happened to Rem, what next for Rosswal, Beatrice and co.,what's the deal with the Witch and the other Fingers.....and so on. Perhaps the ending leaves a sequel hook(I hope).

Season 2 better come out for some of us who live in light novel black holes on this planet.

So...Re Zero...irritating in parts, but powerful in others. This anime gets a ten out of ten from me!
9jaotakuSep 18, 2016 12:08 PM
"The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love, so if one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
Sep 18, 2016 12:02 PM
Jul 2013
That was actually a great way to end the season. Honestly, if no one had read the WN spoilers regarding what would have happened afterwards, there would be less complaints about it. White Fox can probably do an OVA or something that animates those scenes afterwards, as a bridge to Season 2's events.

Amazing show, one of the most enjoyable I've ever seen. Hopefully the wait for Season 2 won't be too long.
Sep 18, 2016 12:02 PM
Apr 2014
Enjoyed watching it weekly, despite maybe some logic flaws early on in the anime, very few memorable characters.
7.5/10, S2 please.
Sep 18, 2016 12:02 PM

Jan 2014

This episode was great. I wonder what Subaru was going to say at the end? I'm glad there was no devastating cliffhanger. Now I can enjoy happy feelings for a little bit longer until season 2 starts.

But man, this series really has been a ride.

Easily 10/10 would watch two thousand times more because one hundred fold isn't enough.
JotakakSep 18, 2016 12:05 PM
Sep 18, 2016 12:03 PM
Dec 2015
Oh man oh man oh man. How do I even express these feels rn Dx My love for Rem is throbbing
Sep 18, 2016 12:03 PM

Feb 2016
im completely fine with this episode 10/10 for me, Remfags could just leave it there... i was #TeamRem but now... i am #TeamReZero wich means i absolutely love everything... this episode was just beautiful, amazing, i even felt that they saved budget for this episode... everything was just... amazing... Good Job White Fox
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Sep 18, 2016 12:03 PM

Feb 2010
What a surprise, it sucked.
Sep 18, 2016 12:03 PM
Jul 2018
melodykpop said:
Skipped scene :

With she, do you mean rem or crush?

The blue version of Ram.
Sep 18, 2016 12:04 PM
Jul 2018
Vanisher said:
What a surprise, it sucked.

What a surprise, yet another failure of a troll.
Gotta step up your game, man.
Sep 18, 2016 12:04 PM

Nov 2014
Forget the spoilers is a perfect final for an anime. Just one thing the roles were reversed, Subaru are in the place of Rem and Emilia in Subaru place.

Just comparing with episode 18.
Sep 18, 2016 12:05 PM

Dec 2009
This series has been an amazing ride. This was my reason to look forward to Sundays and I just can't believe its over, 25 episodes wasn't enough for this masterpiece. Subaru really turned shit around and became a real hero in the end, that ending with him and Emilia was literally perfect.

Maybe we'll get a season 2 really soon if they decide to adapt the web novels instead of the light novels? Anyway goodbye Re:Zero, at least for now, but we'll meet again someday ;_;

10/10 for this series.
Sep 18, 2016 12:05 PM
Jul 2015
it was a good ending, LN readers are salty as fuck right now LOL
Sep 18, 2016 12:05 PM
Aug 2016
For the last episode of this series, it was ok.
But there are a lot unacknowledged question.
- How did Subaru get to this world ?
- What happended to people of the "real" world (e.g. Subarus parents)?
- What happended to the other characters of the fantasy world ?
And at this point I'm a bit dissappointed with this ending.

I hope they will make a S2 to solve all this question.
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